
Crafts with the Girls
to Dec 26

Crafts with the Girls

  • Oklahoma Jail & Prison Ministries (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We have been given an opportunity to do crafts with the girls weekly at the juvenile center. If you would like to help us with the cost of the supplies needed please use the donate button here.

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OJPM Spring Luncheon 2024

OJPM Spring Luncheon 2024

Oklahoma Jail & Prison Ministries (OJPM) recognizes our family and friends as often as possible.  Sometimes it is for our volunteer chaplains and sometimes it is for our financial partners. 

This spring our recognition luncheon is on Tuesday, May 14th from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at The Petroleum Club.

OJPM has two awards that it uses to acknowledge people who have a significant impact on God’s kingdom through our ministry.  The Sower Award is for a ministry volunteer who has served as a chaplain to inmates and the Spirit Award is for a financial supporter that has undergirded our outreach and discipleship with the inmates.

Please come help us celebrate what the Lord has done. You can use the links below to reserve your seat, a table for your church or group and even sponsor a table if you would like.

Sponsor a table of 8

Sponorship Table

Purchase a table of 8


Individual Seats


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