Pictured here is Bradley Pemberton and Senior Chaplain Jorge Vara.
Genesis 12:3, And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.
Brad’s original testimony in 2006.
Letter from an Inmate:
Dear Jorge,
The day is at hand? I am out here … November 10th. It has been a long haul, but I am constantly comforted knowing God has been right here beside me all the way. The miracles He has performed in me and in those around me are numerous. Hopefully we can meet for lunch one day and talk about it.
I want you to know that although this has been a one-way communication these past 16 years, I am still inspired by the kindness and love you showed us in the Chaplain’s office. What a blessing all the volunteers are. Please let them know that they might not ever see the full impact they have on the lives of the men they minister to, but that they do have an impact! I pray that when they stand before God that He shows them just how much they positively influenced lives. This obviously includes you.
Tell the men not to lose heart. In Acts 16, Paul and Silas were in the deepest, darkest cell in prison singing praises to God at midnight. In John 15:11, Jesus tells us one of the reasons He taught the things He taught was so that we would have joy, and have it abundantly. Wherever we are, God is also there. If He is for us, who can be against us? We can always minister on His behalf regardless of our circumstances. He will never give us more than we can handle, and in the midst of whatever trials we are going through, He is shaping and molding us to better conform to His image. We cannot imagine the infiniteness of eternity – – the amount of time we believers will spend with God in
heaven – but this time here is not even a blink of an eye compared to that. Colossians 3, tells us not to worry about what happens here, but to keep our eyes on heavenly places where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Stay strong, my brother. We are overcomers through the blood of our Lord, Jesus Christ. God Bless You.
Your brother in Christ,
Bradley Pemberton